(A few lines by Meish Rubin )
I have written a few words and so keep well as is the wish of your beste freind Moishe Rubin, I greet cordially my cousin, the chaste Taube, may she live in comfort. I greet all of you in the town of Zudgala. Also your father-in-law, who is the gabbai [i] of the town, with his honoured name Yehuda Leib. And also his chaste wife who is always praying with great concentration in the tzene ureno [ii]. And also in reciting psalms for health. And also for funds. As I understand it with her honoured name Beile and their son, your dear brother in law Yaacov, and also good friends, Lebben zohl, Meish Rubin.
[i] A person who helps in the running of the synagogue.
[ii] Julius Kretzmar explains this reference as being “a prayerbook in Yiddish especially compounded for women. in the Russia of long ago”. Written by Jacob Ashkenazi (1 550-1628). This Yiddish translation of the Torah for women with legends and moral stories was very popular for centuries and most traditional homes had a copy.