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Cape Town, Monday, 2 October, 1899

My dear father, honoured and respected famous gentleman Yehuda Leib, and to my dear mother, may she live long, and to my brother Yaacov, my sister Rachel, and my dear respected brother-in-law, Moishe Schochet, and his wife, who is my sister, may you all be blessed and may God grant you all the best.

Undated, Cape Town

To my dear wife, Taube, May she live and prosper.

My dearest wife, to begin with, I can tell you that, TG, I am in good health and I wish to hear the same from you.

Letter from Meish Rubin

I greet my dear parents, brothers and sisters, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their families and friends. From me, Meish Rubin.

Cape Town, undated

I hope there will be an answer to my letter, and especially to try that a letter should go out every week, without excuses and without interruption, and write everything clearly about yourself and the dear children and about the family and about the whole area.

Cape Town, undated

… It is not from envy because there is nothing to envy in the business, and about hatred there is none, so we can excuse him. But he has been warned that I will report it to my wife and mother-in-law and they will write to him about it. Please my dearest wife, write me a speedy reply and write all about your health and how you all are and about with whom my dear father conducts business and how the sales are in the shop and how much you have already spent there.


To my dear wife, Taube Kretzmar, I wish you happiness and blessings in all ways, my dearest wife.

To begin with I can tell you that I am well, God be blessed.

To Israel Yaacov Greentuch, shalom to you, may He who grants peace to everybody should also remember you so that you should be able to receive all of His blessings, From me, Tuvye Kretzmar

I greet heartily Shmuel Rubin Ben Yosef. I hear that you have suffered a lot from the fire which occurred in the yard at Panemunė. I am sorry about it.

Out of context, no date, no place

(about the fire in Ben Yosef’s yard) Although business is rather poor we can still send a little money. Therefore you must write to him personally, and if it helps it will certainly be good.

Cape Town, Undated

My dear father, Yehuda Leib, and my dear mother, the chaste and modest Beile, and my dear brother, the scholarly bocher Yaacov Kretzmar, and my sister Hinda and my younger brother and sisters.

Middle of letter from Meish Rubin

To send it in wartime, it would cost too much. I believe we will have to manage without it. I have nothing more to write. I can inform you that I received a letter from Sheiken from Slobodka, in answer to the money that he received from me.

Letter from Lipman Rubin

Greetings to Yisrael Yitzchak and Freda – at the moment I cannot say anything because lately there is nothing new, except that the two adversaries are the English and Kruger.

November, Cape Town (according to the sedrah)

My father, Yehuda Leib Kretzmar, and my dear mother, the chaste and modest Beile, and to my brother Yaacov, and to my younger brothers and sisters, may you all live well, and to my dear wife Taube, may she be well and happy together with her children.

Cape Town, December, 1899

To my dear and honoured father, Yehuda Leib Kretzmar, and my chaste and modest mother, Beile, may they live well for many years, and to my scholarly brother, Yaacov Kretzmar, and my younger brothers and sisters, may they all be blessed with all the best.

Cape Town, Undated

The letter was left unfinished and now I have received your letter, in which you write that you have received the money. I wish that God should see to it that I should be able to send more. It would be so nice if I could come home with 70 or 80 000 roubles. But hopefully God will provide as much as I need and a little more.

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