Malmesbury, 25 August, 1903
To my dear wife, Taube Kretzmar, and my dear children, sons David and Noah, and daughters, Leah and Freda, may they all grow up in wealth and happiness, amen.
My dear wife – I acknowledge my guilt that I did not write last week. There is no special reason except negligence. I should have written on Sunday, and so the week passed without my writing, and so I ask you again to forgive me. I am writing you now although I have nothing to write about. TG that I am feeling well and happy – that is the main thing. As regards business, I hope it will improve shortly, and as the New Year is nearby – I wish you all a very happy New Year. I have nothing further to write – that is why the letter is short. I wish you all a happy New Year, together with all Israel – keep well and happy, as is the wish of your devoted husband, Tuvye Kretzmar
I cordially greet my dear parents, my brothers and sisters, keep well – all of you. About my brother Shmuel, it is like this – to make a business on his own – will take some time. He will have to see about getting a job… a job where you shouldn’t be immersed in ‘gheilef’ (a not-kosher effort), and a kosher job is not easy to get. He must have patience. I trust that God will help. If business improves, perhaps he can stay with me. In the meantime, he is with me until after the Yomtovim, and then we will see what can be done. I have no news to write – I wish you all a very happy New Year, as is the wish of your son and brother, Tuvye Kretzmar
I greet cordially my mother-in-law, the modest Neche, and my brother-in-law, Moishe Schochet, and his wife, my sister Sarah, and the family – keep well, all of you, as is the wish of your son-in-law, brother-in-law, and brother, Tuvye Kretzmar