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Malmesbury, 26 October, 1902

To my dear wife, Taube Kretzmar, and to my dear children, my sons David and Noah, and my daughters Leah and Freda, may they all live and grow up in wealth and comfort.

My dear wife, I have already waited more than a week for your letter, but alas it has not arrived. I should have had a letter about the £5 which I sent you with Meish Rubin, but I have heard that Moishe has received an answer, and he has received all together £11: £5 from me, and £6 for himself. I assume that you have received it all, and still I should have had a reply from you that you have received it. Well, that’s how it should be. I hope that I will receive an answer next week. It is not important about the money, because I know that you have received it, and yet it is still a bit of an aveyle (crime or offense), but everything will come right. I sent you last week £5, which I’m sure you have received and you have put away because he is ready for it (? savings ?). I don’t have to tell you where to put it.

Further, it is nearly over Sukkot. I have enjoyed myself as much as possible. May God grant us this year success so that next year Sukkot we may be all together and relate all our experiences orally. I can tell you that on this Hoshanah Rabah I was in Cape Town and I was invited for lunch by Mr Blumson. I have enjoyed myself there. He very kindly asked about everybody; we had kreplach – they tasted very nice – also some vegetables – they tasted as if they were straight from the garden. Irt sdeems that he is doing very well and they  live up to it. I have given to family Rubin your regards. They thank you and they greet you very kindly.

I also spoke to Mr Blumson about my grandfather, and he told me that he sends regularly every month, and for several months it did not arrive. It is not his fault, and when you send your answer, please write a special greeting to him. That’s how it should be. And write regards to the family Rubin.

Further, I have no more news. Soon after Yomtov I will be busy in the business again, and with God’s help I will write again. Keep well, I greet you and kiss you, from me, your ever devoted husband, who wishes you all the best of luck, Tuvye Kretzmar

P.S. As you have written – my brother and brother-in-law have surely arrived. I wish them that they will have overcome their hard times in the service, and that should be enough punishment for all their lives. [i] I ask them to write to me about their intentions for the future, because they have finished with cheder. I suppose they will look for something to do. I ask them to write to me about it. I wish you all the best of luck, your brother, Tuvye Kretzmar

I greet my parents, my father, Yehuda Leib Kretzmar, and my modest mother, Beile, and my dear brother, Yaacov Kretzmar, and my sisters, Hinda and Chana, may you be in good health and we should hear good news from each other. About business I can tell you that I have not yet a permanent business, and when I get it I will write to you. Keep well and have a very good year, as is the wish of your son and brother, Tuvye Kretzmar

I also heartily greet my mother-in-law, the modest Neche, my brother-in-law, Moishe Schochet, and his wife, my sister Sarah, and their family, as well as my sister-in-law, Chana Reza, may you all live well, Tuvye Kretzmar


[i] Shmuel and his brother in law Menachem Mendel Morris had completed their military service.  X

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