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Out of context, no date, no place

I greet cordially my dear parents, my dear father, Yehuda Leib Kretzmar, and my dear mother, the chaste and modest Beile, and my scholarly brother, Yaacov Kretzmar, and my sisters, Hinda and Chana – may they all live well. My dear parents, I can inform you that TG I am in good health. May God grant that I hear the same news from you.

Please write me about the plan to send my son David to Vitebsk. Do you agree that it is a good idea? Please be so good as to help me to achieve this object. I am sending a draft for £1, and I ask that you should send my brother Wolf, who is in the army, five roubles and the balance for my son if he can go to Vitebsk. If the plan cannot be accomplished, you should send my brother seven roubles and the rest should go to my wife.

About Shmuel’s permit, I am busy with it at the moment. I expect to get it shortly and I will send it to you. You must not spend any money. In Africa we don’t go naked, but five shirts and trousers and socks and tallt katan, four to five for tsitsit and a pair of boots. They must be strong and light, and you don’t need more than that. I will send the permit and I will write all details. I have no news. Keep well and happy, as is the wish of your son, Tuvye Kretzmar

I greet cordially my dear mother-in-law, the chaste and modest Neche, and my brother-in-law, Moishe Schochet, and his wife, my sister Sarah, and family – and also my dear brother-in-law, Menachem Mendel Morris, and my sister-in-law, Chana Reza. I can inform you that I am TG in good health. May God grant you the same – my dear brother-in-law, if you find the plan to send my son David to Vitebsk is good, then please help to accomplish this, because this is my only wish, to bring up my children as menschen, and then see if you can send the money to my brother Wolf. I close my writing. Keep well and happy, as is the wish of your son and brother-in-law and brother, Tuvye Kretzmar

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