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To my dear wife, Taube Kretzmar, I wish you happiness and blessings in all ways, my dearest wife.

To begin with I can tell you that I am well, God be blessed. May God grant that my letter should also find you in the best of health. About business I have nothing to write or how to picture it to you. I have only received one letter from you, which you addressed care of Lipman Rubin. Meish brought it to me in Cape Town. And the rest were addressed care of Glickman, so I will not get any more. Please write to me about everything – how is Uncle Zvi of Kesselshik? And also Zvi Ben Ha’Aron and his family? Please write me what our brothers who are in service are writing. Please in one word write to me everything in your area. I am closing my writing and I wish you all lots of luck and regard to our relatives and friends who ask about me. Keep well. As is the wish of your faithful husband, son, brother-in-law, son-in-law, Tuvye Kretzmar

© Kaplan Centre
Letters courtesy of Phil Kretzmar

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